Johann Christian Reinhart (1761-1847)

Blick von der Villa Malta in Rom nach Westen,

Material / Technology / Carrier
Tempera auf Leinwand
Dimensions of the object
167 x 266,5 cm
Not on display
19. Jahrhundert
Inventory number
WAF 813
1835 durch König Ludwig I. vom Künstler erworben – seit 1923 Wittelsbacher Ausgleichsfonds
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Neue Pinakothek München
Johann Christian Reinhart, Blick von der Villa Malta in Rom nach Westen, 1835, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Neue Pinakothek München, URL: (Last updated on 23.07.2024)
This view to the west impressively shows the location of the Villa Malta on the Pincian Hill above the Spanish Steps in relation to the axial perspective to the Vatican. The foreground is filled with a sunlit roofscape that is enclosed on the right by the nave and two-towered facade of Santissima Trinità dei Monte. From the topography of the city, the facade of San Carlo al Corso, the round structure Castel S. Angelo and the facade of St. Peter's stands out in a single axis. Originally, the tempera paintings were intended as bogus window outlooks in a room especially designed for them with skylight in the royal apartments of the Munich Residence. This plan was, however, never realized.