Meister des Bartholomäusaltars (1475-1510)

Bartholomäusaltar: Die hll. Agnes, Bartholomäus, Caecilia und ein Stifter,

um 1500/1505
Material / Technology / Carrier
Dimensions of the object
128,6 x 161,3 cm
AP OG Saal I
Altdeutsche Malerei
Inventory number
1827 aus der Sammlung Boisserée; seit 1953 Staatseigentum
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek München
Meister des Bartholomäusaltars, Bartholomäusaltar: Die hll. Agnes, Bartholomäus, Caecilia und ein Stifter, um 1500/1505, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek München, URL: (Last updated on 24.08.2023)
The saints are depicted standing on a narrow platform with their clearly shown attributes: St Bartholomew was flayed alive with a knife; St Agnes’s attribute is the lamb after which she is named (Latin: agnus); St Cecilia, the patron saint of music, is holding a portative organ. St John the Evangelist drank from a poisoned cup but survived, and St Margaret scared off a dragon by making the sign of the cross. St James the Less was beaten with a fuller’s stave, whereas St Christina is shown with the attributes of her martyrdom—a millstone and arrows. The family signet and coat of arms of Arnt of Westerburg and his wife, Druitgen of Andernach, are shown in the corners of the central panel. The kneeling Carthusian monk was concealed by an overpainting until 1949/51.

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