Blick von der Villa Malta auf den Quirinal
Johann Georg von Dillis (1759-1841)

Blick von der Villa Malta auf den Quirinal,

Material / Technology / Carrier
Öl auf Papier, auf Leinwand geklebt
Dimensions of the object
30,7 x 43,5 cm
19. Jahrhundert
Inventory number
1869 durch Adolf Friedrich Graf von Schack erworben
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Sammlung Schack München
Johann Georg von Dillis, Blick von der Villa Malta auf den Quirinal, 1818, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Sammlung Schack München, URL: (Last updated on 19.06.2023)
Dillis painted these three views in oil on paper during a stay at the Villa Malta in the spring of 1818. He was accompanying Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria on his Italian journey as Ludwig’s artistic adviser and draughtsman. Dillis made preparatory drawings for the compositions, but then painted them quickly in the open air so as to capture the early morning light and atmosphere. Hills and striking groups of buildings dominate the views: the Quirinal on the left, the Capitol in the centre and the Vatican with St Peter’s on the right.

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