Schmerzensmann und sechs Heilige (Hll. Antonius von Padua, Ludwig von Toulouse, Franziskus, Dominikus, Klara und Katharina von Siena)
Filippino Lippi (1457-1504)

The Man of Sorrows and Six Saints (Anthony of Padua; Louis of Toulouse, Francis, Dominic, Clare and Catherine of Siena),

um 1495
Material / Technology / Carrier
Pappelholz (Populus sp.)
Dimensions of the object
31,5 x 151,1 cm
Inventory number
WAF 498
1814/16 von Kronprinz Ludwig in Florenz erworben – seit 1923 Wittelsbacher Ausgleichsfonds
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek München
Filippino Lippi, Schmerzensmann und sechs Heilige (Hll. Antonius von Padua, Ludwig von Toulouse, Franziskus, Dominikus, Klara und Katharina von Siena), um 1495, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek München, URL: (Last updated on 22.07.2024)
Filippino Lippi, the son of the painter Fra Filippo Lippi, painted this altarpiece—that was probably commissioned by his native city of Prato—for the church of the Order of Friars Minor in San Francesco al Palco convent nearby. The main panel presents an idealised landscape panorama that shows the city of Prato on the horizon and, on the left-hand edge of the painting, the convent on higher ground. Through the donation of an altar, the municipality hoped for the protection offered through the intercessory prayers of the Franciscans. The so-called double intercession is the subject of this panel that is to be interpreted as a devotional picture: Mary receives the beseeching citizens of Prato depicted in the middle distance and, at the same time, the prayers of the faithful gathered in front of the picture. Christ, having risen from the dead, shows his suffering for mankind and directs his request to God the Father for the redemption of mankind.