Jacopo Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti)

Der Gonzaga-Zyklus, Federico II. Gonzaga nimmt Parma ein,

um 1579/80
Material / Technology / Carrier
Dimensions of the object
212 x 283,5 cm
AP OG Saal V
Inventory number
Aus Schloss Schleißheim
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek München
Jacopo Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti), Der Gonzaga-Zyklus, Federico II. Gonzaga nimmt Parma ein, um 1579/80, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek München, URL: https://www.sammlung.pinakothek.de/en/artwork/k2xnBJ9xPd (Last updated on 17.10.2023)
After the completion of the first series of pictures, Guglielmo Gonzaga commissioned a further four paintings that Tintoretto executed within a short space of time. Once again he created the impression of great depth with large figures shown close-up in the foreground and very small characters in the background. Here, the first highlight in Federico II’s military career as commander of the papal troops is depicted: the recapturing of Parma from the French. From the right-hand side of the picture the military leader is giving commands to his soldiers who are already climbing the city walls on tree-ladders.

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