The Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen endeavour to provide a reference to ‘Creative Commons’ (CC BY-SA 4.0) for all works in the public domain. In the case of such works you are permitted to copy, share (through distribution in social networks), use (for publications and research, as well as for commercial purposes) and alter and process (through your own creative efforts) the images and metadata without having to apply to us for further permission.
Please note that the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen do not provide any warranties whatsoever with regard to the work or accept liability for damage of any kind caused by the subsequent use of material. This also applies to the accuracy and completeness of the respective metadata. Violations or incompleteness may be registered by e-mail.
All images protected by copyright may only be used on request. This does not apply, however, to the artworks’ metadata. Please contact our photographic library under to order a photograph of a work protected by copyright. This also applies to the provision of high-resolution images (TIFF format), for example for reproduction purposes or for images not yet available digitally. Please use our order form (PDF to download) for such requests. Permission granted by the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen or an authorised company to reproduce an image is restricted in each case to the photo provided. Copyright for works of art – especially with regard to Modernist and contemporary art – must be clarified separately before publication.
Please always respect the original work of art. Images in the public domain are not to be used in contexts which could be deceptive or legally questionable. We would also ask for a sensitive approach to be adopted when using images with motifs that could cause insult in certain cultures.
Please always source images subsequently used from the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen with the correct metadata and a reference to where the material was acquired. The wording ‘© Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen’ is to be added with a link to the source of the material. This also applies to when images are modified or further processed.
Should a work in the public domain be processed or modified in the form of a collage or through the use of a digital image editing programme, the integrity of the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen and the artist(s) is to be ensured by indicating the authorship of modified images and not attributing this to the museum. Whenever material is used or cited no impression is to be made that this has been endorsed by the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen.
No incorrect information about the source or legal terms relating to an image or metdata is to be spread through the subsequent use of matieral. Such identification is not to be separated from the artwork and no suggestion is to be made that you are the copyright holder.
Should new information be gained with the help of our digital collection, for example within the scope of a publication, please share this knowledge with the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen. This applies in particular to subsequent information gained in relation to the metadata of an artwork.
We would kindly ask you to observe these recommendations and treat original works of art respectfully.