Bartolomeo Veneto

Portrait of a Young Man from the Zane Family,

um 1505
Material / Technology / Carrier
Leinwand, auf Sperrholz übertragen
Dimensions of the object
40,4 x 32 cm
AP OG Kabinett 5
Inventory number
WAF 1151
1842 durch König Ludwig I. im Wiener Kunsthandel erworben – seit 1923 Wittelsbacher Ausgleichsfonds
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek München
Bartolomeo Veneto, Bildnis eines jungen Mannes aus der Familie Zane, um 1505, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek München, URL: (Last updated on 23.07.2024)
This young man with bright blue eyes confidently presents his signet ring, whose coat of arms identifies him as a member of the noble Zane family from Venice. Due to its exceptional quality, the painting was thought to be a self-portrait by Giovanni Bellini when it was acquired in 1842. The nuanced play of light and shadow on the finely modelled facial features is characteristic of the early work of the portrait specialist Bartolomeo Veneto, whose signatures indeed identify him as a pupil of the Bellini brothers. For more details on the painting cf. Johanna Pawis, New discoveries: insights into research on Veneto, Giorgione and Tintoretto at the Alte Pinakothek’, in Venezia 500<<. The Gentle Revolution of Venetian Painting, Exhibition Catalogue, A. Schumacher (ed.), pp. 128–153, 246–251, Munich: Hirmer Publishers 2023.

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