Christus im Hause der Martha
Eustache Le Sueur (1616-1655)

Christus im Hause der Martha,

um 1654
Material / Technology / Carrier
Dimensions of the object
162,5 x 129,8 cm
AP OG Saal X
Inventory number
WAF 492
1845 von Ludwig I. aus dem Besitz des Kardinals Fesch in Paris erworben – seit 1923 Wittelsbacher Ausgleichsfonds
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek München
Eustache Le Sueur, Christus im Hause der Martha, um 1654, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek München, URL: (Last updated on 16.12.2024)
Martha receives Jesus and his disciples into her home. While she goes about her household chores her sister, Mary, sits at Jesus’s feet and listens to his words. Martha complains to Jesus who then explains to her that ‘Mary has chosen the good part’. It is this very moment when Jesus is talking to Martha that Le Sueur has captured here. One critic later praised Mary’s touched expression in particular that mirrors the effect of Jesus’s words. It is no coincidence that Le Sueur was considered ‘France’s Raphael’ in the eighteenth century.

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