Frans Francken d. J. (1581-1642)

Allegory of Virtue,

um 1630/31
Material / Technology / Carrier
Dimensions of the object
50,5 x 76,3 cm
Flämische Malerei
Inventory number
Aus der Kurfürstlichen Galerie München
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Staatsgalerie im Schloss Johannisburg Aschaffenburg
Frans Francken d. J., Allegorie der Tugend, um 1630/31, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Staatsgalerie im Schloss Johannisburg Aschaffenburg, URL: (Last updated on 04.09.2023)
A female figure with bared breasts, plumed helmet, and a sword in hand floats above a large crowd. She is being led by Jupiter, who is accompanied by his attribute, the eagle, to Olympus. She appears twice again in the picture: on the left edge, she is summarily depicted in a group that has gathered in front of a temple and is proceeding up a hill toward an opening in the clouds that is illuminated by a bright light. On the right edge, she is enthroned on a pedestal as a monument with a long staff and an orb under her right foot. Here, too, she is surrounded by people; this group is threatening her with raised fists. The picture depicts different, contrasting attitudes. In the left half of the work, those who are following the path of virtue and honour, symbolised by the temple and the road leading to the clouds are shown, facing the sinful people, who have gathered around a pond; some of them sit on its edge, drinking and vomiting, or they attack each other with weapons. A crying man, who apparently regrets his sins, in the foreground transitions to the large crowd, which represents various social classes: soldiers, philosophers, clergymen, and princes. Two women with children near a sack of gold and a precious receptacle suggest that a life of virtue literally bears fruit.

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