Gabriel Angler (1405-1462)

Kalvarienberg mit den hll. Koloman, Quirin, Kastor und Chrysogonus,

um 1440
Material / Technology / Carrier
Lindenholz (Tilia spec.)
Dimensions of the object
186 x 294 (in der Mitte zersägt) cm
Not on display
Altdeutsche Malerei
Inventory number
1803 als Säkularisationsgut aus dem Benediktinerkloster Tegernsee
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek München
Gabriel Angler, Kalvarienberg mit den hll. Koloman, Quirin, Kastor und Chrysogonus, um 1440, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek München, URL: (Last updated on 19.06.2023)
The Calvary scene comes from the Benedictine monastery St. Quirinus in Tegernsee, which stood in front of the choir screen on the high altar and seems to have been painted to fit in with its coloration and ornamentation. On the sides flanking Christ¿s Crucifixion, the venerated saints of the monastery church are depicted: the Irish pilgrim, Coloman, the mason and martyr Castor (left), Quirinus, a Roman Emperor¿s son, the Roman teacher and martyr Chrysogonus wearing scholar¿s robes (right). The church had been in possession of reliquaries of three of the Saints since the 8th and 11th century respectively; the veneration of St. Coloman first began in the 15th century.

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